

Hi!! My name is Chelsea and this is my little blog.

A little about me…

I am a media student at UOW studying a Bachelors Degree in Communications and Media with a Marketing major and a Digital and Social Media minor. In the future, I hope to be in a career around digital marketing when I graduate.

I am from a small country town in rural NSW about 5 hours West of Wollongong.

I love all things outdoors and live a very active lifestyle which I think was majorly influenced by my upbringing. I am a major dog and plant lover even if I can’t keep some of them alive (the plants alive not the dogs!!!).

I hope you enjoy my blog of all things uni assessments, my experience with uni, some contributions to other works, projects and anything else that sparks my interest. I would love to have you involved so feel free to comment your thoughts on my posts and subscribe!

Enjoy xx