Calmness in COVID-19

Tips on how to remain calm during the pandemic that is COVID-19

With COVID-19 being a VERY prominent in today’s news, it is easy to become overwhelmed with feelings of helplessness and anxiety.

In a recent blog post I wrote for Chae Media, I share all my tips and tricks on how to conquer these feelings and make the most out of your situation during the pandemic.

Check it out by following the link below!

Digital Artefact Pitch


Fika is Swedish and means: a moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life, usually accompanied but a coffee and sweet treats.

Photo by Ea Ehn on

My digital artefact is an Instagram page which is about sharing positive content to it’s viewers.

This would be useful for people who want to learn about positivity and the power it can have on you, people who are suffering to find gratitude each day or are overwhelmed with different information out there.

There is a misconception apparent around ‘positivity’ and gratitude which I found with my own experience with the topic.

My content will include quotes, aesthetic images, recommendations on empowering podcasts, people who I find uplifting to follow, anything along those lines. I will also be posting on my blog any research around the topic I would like to share with my users.

FIKA FEELS fits the #FIST principle perfectly. Instagram is easily accessible for me and my audience. It takes little time and no expense in uploading content. I will maintain a simple approach by having one page and a few posts on my blog and will start with simple posts and iterate the same meaning of posts.

Feedback will be crucial for my DA, so I’m hoping to engage my users with a suggestion story that will stay open and persistently asking for feedback through polls as well.

My DA is relevant to me because it will help me learn how to build a positive attitude and resilience towards many situations and help to explore the creative side of myself.

I believe FIKA FEELS will really capture what it means to see something good everyday.